Mele-Ane Havea

Co- Chair of B Lab Australia & NZ

As a passionate governance professional, Mele-Ane’s work explores the intersection of cultural wisdom, purpose-led business, and the “next economy,” and believes in the immense power of storytelling for change. With over 20 years of experience reporting to Boards and Board sub-committees and over 13 years of experience as a non-executive Director of Boards, Mele-Ane offers a richness of expertise in the field of social impact.

Mele-Ane holds an MBA from Oxford, where she was a fellow of the Skoll Centre for Social Entrepreneurship. She also has an LLB/BA from Monash University and previously worked as a human rights legal advisor in Europe. She specialises in establishing and growing purpose-driven organisations, nurturing cultures of connection and supporting leaders to step into their vision and mission. She is currently the Co-Chair at B Lab Australia and Aoteroa New Zealand, and was previously CEO at Small Giants Academy.