Indy Johar

Executive Director of Dark Matter Labs

Indy Johar is an architect, teacher and leader focused on systemically changing the way we build our urban environments through regenerative redesign, distributional care and democratising access to spaces. He is the founding Executive Director of both Architecture 00 and Dark Matter Labs and co-founder of Impact Hub Birmingham and Open Systems Lab. He was a Senior Innovation Associate at the Young Foundation, has lectured at many universities globally and is currently teaching at RMIT. His work includes concern for aligning our incentives across civic systems to more accurately orient our lives toward intrinsic value.  

Indy and his team at Dark Matter Labs are re-configuring the way we organise society, using design as an essential tool to contemplate, map, experiment and ultimately materialise a post-ownership society where human development sits at the core of urban infrastructure and governance. Birthed from the wisdom that opportunities for systemic change and large scale transitions rest with the ‘dark matter’ or ‘deep codes’ of our personal and civic lives, Indy sees a re-structuring of our material economy to be a re-imagination of who we are more fundamentally and what we mean to the people and world around us.

You can find a presentation by Indy Johar here. Other interesting links include a transcribed interview with Indy Johar hosted by Emerge and Tomas Bjökman and a piece entitled 3ºC Neighbourhood, co-authored by Dark Matter Labs and CIVIC SQUARE.