Daniel Schmachtenberger

Philosopher (Virtual)

Daniel Schmachtenberger is a leading systems thinker, researcher and contemplative master of the meta-crisis. He is a founding member of the Consilience Project and Civilisation Research Institute, both of which in their own way seek to map how our intersecting global crises are emergent consequences of deeper problems of our alignment to ourselves, each other, our Earth and the cosmos.

His public presence resounds throughout the world of podcasts and interviews where he explores the complex landscape of our global wicked problems and double-binds with such finesse, precision and multi-dimensionality that often leaves listeners flawed. Some of his most insightful inquiries pertain to the future of our civilisation, exploring how; technologies are value-laden; our global economic, social and political systems are animated by perverse incentives; too narrowly defining problems lead to externalities, polarisation and run-away collapses; creative human agency and global cooperation must be balanced with sensitivity to power capture and corruption; and how wisdom and influence must come into right relation. Most significantly, Daniel’s work tends to the sacredness inherent to all life.  

His most recent talk can be found here. An overall (and approachable) look at his work and insight can be found here.  
We also love this recording with Berry Liberman in 2022 for the Wisdom and Action Podcast, Part One & Part Two