Tavale Ilalio

Founder of Mahana Culture

Tavale is the Founder and Creative Director at Mahana Culture, a training and consultancy business committed to awakening cultural dignity and creating culturally-safe workplaces and institutional cultures. Welding cultural intelligence with relational capacity, Tavale and his team at Mahana Culture offer individuals and organisations a new lens to navigate intercultural complexity and have delivered their services to over 4000 participants, including Government departments across Australia and New Zealand including Health, Child Protection, Justice and Housing, multinational corporates, B-Corps, Not for Profits, Executive Leadership Programs and Schools.

Tavale has worked in community engagement, facilitation and consultant roles across multiple sectors including child protection, health, justice and education, as well as the corporate sector. With significant experience working interculturally, primarily between government and community, Tavale is passionate about creating dignified and respectful spaces that allow innovative outcomes to emerge. He brings an Indigenous inquiry and deep relational posture to his work.